Archive for April, 2010
Pilates and your posture
Pilates is all about moving efficiently. What makes Pilates so important with respect to posture is that Pilates trains us to develop and use “core strength”, rather than holding our posture with superficial musculature. Using the deep core muscles of the abdominals, back, and pelvic floor to support our posture. This allows the shoulders to relax, […]
April 24, 2010
Connor dawson ·
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Posted in: Injury Prevention
Pilates Method celebrating its first decade on October 15, 2010. Its past, present and future!
On October 15, 2010, Pilates Method will celebrate its 10th Anniversary! I have so many people to thank. My husband, Alan, and son, Connor, who are always so supportive financially, physically and mentally. Without them, I am not who I am today. I am forever grateful for my clients. They mold and shape me daily […]
April 16, 2010
Connor dawson ·
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Posted in: Pilates Method Studio