Weak Hips
I ponder about the next subject for my blog, and decided nothing would be more applicable then to write about injuries that I see in myself. Having done a half marathon recently, my mind gravitate towards the lower extremity..the hip.
So, this week, let’s focus on WEAK HIPS! Let’s see if you have weak hips. Do a single-leg squat. If your knee collapses further inside than your big toes, it’s time to strengthen the hip abductor and flex muscles.
During activities like walking or running, your foot rolls inward when it hits to ground. To maintain proper alignment, your knee and lower leg roll too. Everybody does this to a certain degree, it’s natural body mechanics. Whether your foot rolls a little or a lot depends on your hips. If the muscles are weak, they can’t stabilize your legs, resulting in greater rolling. Which could then lead to .. KNEE PAIN. Weak hip muscles shift the strain onto your knees to keep your lower legs in alignment. This increase your risk of irritating these muscles and tendons.
I’ve successfully helped clients to stabilize the pelvis and strengthen the surrounding hip muscles using the “leg circles” on the reformer. The same exercise can also be done on the trapeze table and in a sidelying position. The mat Pilates exercise called the “side kicks” are also a great way to strengthen the hip muscles and support the pelvis. Bridging is another phenominal exercise used for improving stability in the hip and pelvis. Bridging is also great for spinal articulation (another blog altogether!)
Certain exercise injuries go hand in hand..get one, and the other’s not far behind. Find out what problems you’re at risk for and how to head off future aches and pains. You have heard the phrase “the leg bone’s connected to the knee bone.” Well, that’s the reson one injury puts you at risk for developing another. Everything is “connected”. Let’s talk about KNEE PAINS next time.
June 13, 2010
Connor dawson ·
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Posted in: Injury Prevention