Testimonial from Amy Prenda
Before starting Pilates with Monica a little over a year ago, I contemplated
doing Pilates for over 7 years and was hesitant to start for fear that I
would look silly or would be unable to actually do Pilates. Now I am unable
to imagine not doing Pilates. The top 10 reasons I do Pilates are:
 1.. Pilates has increased my muscle tone.
 2.. Pilates has made me more flexible.
 3.. Pilates has improved my posture.
 4.. Pilates has improved my balance.
 5.. Pilates has pretty much eliminated the pain that I often suffered in
my lower back.
 6.. Pilates has increased my body awareness.
 7.. Pilates has helped my concentration because I have to focus on how I
am moving during each exercise.
 8.. Pilates is energizing and has boosted my self-esteem, because I am
always amazed at the end of a workout what exercises my body was actually
able to perform.
 9.. Pilates has helped to strengthen my core definitely making my stomach
leaner and more defined.
 10.. Pilates is fun—the equipment is like a playground for grown-ups!
July 4, 2010
Connor dawson ·
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